When applying stage makeup, the trick for professional looking stage make up is to always look overdone or over made up. The reason for this is that you will be performing to an audience that will be sitting far away from you, and thus you will need your features to stand out more than they normally would for greater impact on your audience.
If you have never worn stage make up, then you are going to feel as though you have applied far too much the first time. With stage make up you can go wild. The people that you are performing for will be sitting well away from you, and the make up will make your appearance more flattering, and make you stand out, especially for those people from the middle to the back of the theatre.
Another aspect to consider when applying professional stage make up is the lighting in the theatre If the lighting is too blue or too red, your features will disappear on the stage. Only good make up will correct this problem, and enable the audience to see the features on your face.
Under bright stage lighting, use cream instead of white. Use brown instead of blue and purple, and avoid yellow, as it looks like white.
If you are a dancer, this is how you should use make up to enhance your eyes on stage:
First of all you must have your brows defined, so do definite lines on your brows are a must.
A red dot on the inner corner of your eye will help to make your eyes stand out.
Blue, purple or brown eye shadow, boldly applied. The color will depend on your looks. Try not to use blue on blue eyes, or brown on brown eyes.
Draw lines on the outer corners of your eyes starting with a blue or black line coming out from your eyes at the top, then white, then red, then white again and then a blue or black line coming out from the bottom of the eye.
Some false eyelashes on the outer corners of your eyes add impact.
Stage make up for male dancers will be very similar to female. He would use the same colours, as the lighting would affect the facial features in the same way. Men obviously won’t wear the false eye lashes, and don’t use vivid lip colours such the bright reds that the females dancers wear.
When applying stage make up, try to avoid the following mistakes:
Lining the eyes in solid black eye liner, Shiny foundation or foundation that is too dark, leaving the brows undefined, putting too much blush on the apples of the cheeks,
When dancing on stage also take into account that you will be sweating a lot, so remember to use water resistant make up as far as possible.
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