Many animals and bugs that a person finds around their home may be classified as undesirable pests. Several examples include ants, spiders, termites, wasps, roaches, and some rodents such as rats. A person that notices these creatures around the home should not take their presence lightly as they can be more than just a nuisance. These uninvited houseguests, while small in size, have the potential to cause extensive damage to property and can also cause diseases and allergies that can be life-threatening.
This is why it’s important for a homeowner to consider several pest control practices to prevent an infestation. Critters will be less likely to be attracted to the home if garbage is properly closed off to them and disposed of regularly. A person can keep unwelcome animals from entering the home by sealing any cracks and gaps. As some creatures are attracted to water and moisture, a person should keep the home dry, cool, and free of any standing water.
Store Garbage Properly
Of course, a large portion of what you’ll find in a garbage bag is leftover food and table scraps that were discarded after dinner. Unfortunately, animals such rats and ants are attracted to the leftover food, and they will shamelessly dig through garbage bags to scavenge for free and easy food. Keep garbage bags inside a sturdy a trash can, and keep it tightly latched with a secure lid. Trash should be kept a safe distance away from the home.
Seal Cracks and Holes in the Home
Unwelcome critters can easily sneak into the home through cracks and holes. Alternatively, if they find an opportunity to get inside the home through the doorway, they’ll be able to search for holes to hide inside. There, they’ll create a new home and breeding ground without the knowledge of the homeowner. As a result, creatures such as termites will cause damage to property and thousands of dollars in repair work.
If a person wants to achieve pest control to preserve their home or business, he or she should regularly check for gaps and holes. The cracks found on the outside of the home should be sealed. Any crevices around cabinets and baseboards can be sealed off with caulk, which can be purchased at a hardware store. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, steel wool can be used to fill spaces around pipes.
Prevent Standing Water and Moisture in the Home
Pesky critters are not so different from humans when it comes to basic needs. Like humans, they require water to stay alive. Termites are not only attracted to wood, but they also thrive on dampness and moisture. This is why it’s highly crucial for a homeowner to eliminate any standing water, humidity, and moisture for maximum pest control. Homeowners should never hesitate to repair a leaky pipe. Basements, attics, and crawlspaces can easily become humid and moist, so remember to keep these areas dry and ventilated to prevent a potential breeding ground for ants, termites, rats, and roaches. Additionally, a dry and ventilated home can prevent mold.
Cleanliness is a Preventative Measure
A person can never go wrong with keeping the home organized and clutter-free. Need another reason to organize the basement or garage? It’ll keep the pests away as it’ll create an unfavorable environment for the unwelcome guests.
Animals love clutter. A person may see stacks of boxes and stacks of old newspapers and unused junk, but a rat would see hiding places and a potential spot to raise a family. Once they start to breed in these hiding spots, it will be hard to locate them and get rid of them effectively.
These four basic steps go a long way toward protecting a home against infestation.
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