There is no better, safer place than the comfort of your own home, and no one in this world would agree with you more than the pests, insects and rodents that are desperately trying to occupy your space. When a home offers a certain amount of food, moisture, and adequate temperatures, it is a personal invitation into your home for pests, insects and rodents.
Termites are the most common pests known to homeowners. They are little, but eager to make their way into your home. Their size allows them to enter your home through a small opening or crack as thin as a piece of paper. These little pests constantly eat and work without sleep.
How many termites can one colony house?
Termite colonies can house more than one million termites at one time, which means all of these insects can enter your home in a short amount of time causing severe structural damage.
Once inside your home, termites can cause significant damage to the wood and personal belongings, and create an unhealthy environment with various odors that can circulate throughout your home.
How much structural damage can termites cause?
Your property damage can skyrocket in a short mount of time destroying your entire home, costing you thousands and thousands of dollars.
Should I inspect my home for pests, insects and rodents?
In one word, yes! It is a good idea to closely inspect your home during the warm summer months. It also is highly recommended that homeowners closely inspect the entire basement of their home looking for any noticeable signs such as small, tan, reddish-brown or black droppings.
Some homeowners tend to overlook the support piers, floor joists and sill plates, but looking in these places is very important for the overall structural support of your home. Also, closely examine the foundation walls, outside and inside, searching for mud tubes. Subterranean termites thrive in moist soil, but they also tend to feed on wood, building and creating mud passageways from the soft, damp, and moist soil to the wooden structure of your home.
Can structural damage be hidden?
Believe it or not, a majority of structural damage is not always visible to the human eye. It is best to examine your home for hidden structural damage by tapping the wooden heel of a screwdriver on the wooden structure of your home, closely listening for the sound of hollowed wood. Another way to determine if you have hollowed-out wood in your home is to probe using a heavy duty awl. For extra assistance, use a bright flashlight to closely inspect around the floors, windows, foundation walls, and below exterior doors.
My home has signs of pests, insects and rodents. What is my next step?
Once you have examined your home and confirmed your suspicions, you should then call a professional who will evaluate the situation and discuss the best options to eliminate, control, prevent, and treat the existing wood.
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