Three Things to Think About When You’re Buying a Bathtub Whether you’re remodeling your home or you simply need to replace a tub due to damage or wear and tear, chances are that a new bathtub is one of your least anticipated expenses. It’s one of the most crucial parts of our daily routine, yet one of the most overlooked fixtures in our homes. This can make it hard to know what to look for when you’re considering what kind of tub to buy. Modern-day bathtubs come in a variety of forms and materials. Generally, the body is made of steel or cast iron, topped off by acrylic, porcelain, or even plastic. A final alternative is a purely stainless steel bathtub, which is becoming more and more common as time goes on. Of course, the ideal tub for your bathroom depends on your individual preferences and needs. We’ve come up with three vital issues for you to think about. Cost and Expenses
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As with any purchase, you’ll want to make sure it fits your budget. The different types of components and materials all have their own prices. Typically, iron bodies will set you back more than steel. If plastic is acceptable to you, you’ll save a lot on the surface material. However, you’re not likely to impress the Joneses with plastic, if that’s important to you.
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How Durable? If durability is essential to you, you should know that iron is one of the strongest metals used for these kinds of fixtures. As a result, you can depend on a cast iron body to last you a lifetime and effectively resist damage. The downside of this is that you may have to spend more on labor up front. Additionally, in the event that you end up having to replace it anyway, you’ll once again deal with that extra cost. Admittedly, there’s nothing wrong with steel in this department either, as it’s also one of the more durable metals available. In terms of the outer material, here plastic has a surprising edge. In spite of its reputation for being a lower quality material, it holds up much better than fragile porcelain or ceramic tiles. Are Looks Important? It might not have occurred to you to think too much about the aesthetics of your new tub, but it’s an aspect that shouldn’t be neglected. Your tub is one of the largest and most conspicuous fixtures in your house. Here is where attractive porcelain tiles can really shine. You could also consider a stainless steel tub for its looks. There is a growing fascination with these impressive-looking tubs. Although their eye-catching look isn’t for everyone, they can add a modern and stylish appeal to a variety of decor styles. Remember some of these tips when you’re out there looking at tubs. Do your research and shop around, since it’s an important purchase!
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