Building a home is an arduous task for any living creature, from weaver bird to man! The amount of industry and thoughtfulness that goes into it is a great tribute to the concept of family and its inestimable value! A weaver bird will painstakingly weave threads of dry grass into a compact, well planned little home hanging from a tree branch, strong enough to withstand the weight of chicks and parent birds. Man’s dwellings have evolved from mud and straw single room huts to sprawling homes or apartments, built of concrete, and embellished with glass and other decorative building material, designed to withstand the elements.
The evolution of gardens
In the building, there is the house itself and designing the surrounding garden area including landscaping. Gardens came into being in the beginning with the enclosure of space, possibly to keep out marauding animals. When the first civilizations began, gardens began to be aesthetically maintained. 16th century BC tomb paintings of Egypt display lotus ponds flanked by symmetrical rows of acacia and date palms. Gardens developed as the interest in botany grew.
What are the professional services available for today’s gardens?
Interlocking paving stones – these are decorative paving stones laid on outside spaces for a neat look. They have an interlocking feature because of which they don’t get dislodged easily. Yet it is easy to remove them should the need arise. They are laid on a layer of bedding sand. Trenches dug at the borders are filled with concrete to keep the paver blocks in place.
Landscaping – which is modifying the existing features of an area which includes flora and fauna which are artfully chosen and made to grow in a way to create a beautiful environment.
Some tips on landscaping:
· Install an irrigation system that will be convenient. A drip irrigation system with a timer will do the job.
· Use mulch. It is good for the soil, and decorative as it helps the plants to stand out.
· Use good quality soil – the plants require good soil for the roots to take hold
· Arrange the plants in groups of three or five – this makes it look fuller. A good idea would be to include flowers that bloom in different seasons in one group.
· Keep it colorful – all through the year
· Make sure there is proper drainage, especially if the soil is clayey
· Make note of the sunlight hitting the space. It should not be too much to kill the plants, or too little that the plants do not grow. Or choose the plants accordingly. Bougainvillea is a plant that thrives in bright hot sunlight.
· Be sure of your budget and how much you will be able to do to maintain it. Don’t take on more than you can manage.
Professional cleaning services like pressure washing and sealing services
Concrete Services – professionals perform any concrete material work, like steps and paving
Demolition services – part of their repertoire is the removal of unwanted structures and disposal of debris. With suitable machinery, they can demolish even the most stubborn structures.
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