May 3, 2024


Elegant home interior

Smart Ideas: Services Revisited

From Ashes to Diamonds: Turn Your Loved Ones Ashes to a Diamond Memorabilia

One of the most unfortunate yet natural occurrences that would ideally happen to almost any person in this world is their imminent death. In this current day and age, funeral methods has now evolved significantly throughout the years that there is now a lot of different methods and options that we can easily choose from. Some of the most common examples are the traditional burial option, the natural burial option, the cremation process, burial at sea option, a cryomation procedure and etc. Most funeral options that is available can only be allowed depending on which country or state you are living in, since there are some funeral method that is deemed unethical or illegal to some country.

Probably the most popular funeral method that is actually really popular and legalized in most states and country is the cremation method. The procedure of cremation is actually really easy to understand, they will first need to place the corpse of either a person or a pet in an advance cremation equipment machinery in order to reduce the corpse to its natural and basic elements with the use of high heat temperatures. Although this may sound really great and all already, there is actually another step implemented in the cremation method that is not yet well known to the masses. And that simple step is to make the cremated ashes of your loved ones and turn them into a diamond.

This method of turning cremated ashes to diamond first started in a European country, and it is currently starting to get more recognition in an international scale as well. The process of turning cremated ashes to diamond is indeed really hard to fathom, but it is actually possible due to the fact that all cremated remains of a person should have carbon properties within them. The very first thing that is needed to be done in the process of making diamond out of cremated ashes is that the carbon properties that is found within the cremated remains will first be extracted. The next step is for them to undergo a purification procedure, where they will have to heat on extreme and well maintained temperature conditions the extracted carbon in order to convert them into graphite. After the carbon converted into graphite, the graphite will then be placed in an equipment that produce extreme and intense heat and pressure at the same time, so that it basically simulates the exact natural heating and pressuring method that can only be found deep within the earth, and after long heating and pressuring duration, the diamond crystal will then be produced. And for the final touch, the diamond will then be given to a professional diamond cutter to finish and smoothen the diamond.