May 3, 2024


Elegant home interior

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Window Well Ideas: Best Custom Window Well Covers Natural light can enter a basement if a window well is installed while also keeping dirt and moisture away. Window wells are often installed in urban settings and private houses found below the level of the ground. The window well’s protective pit prevents moisture, maximizing daylight use too. There are various sizes, shapes and designs available depending on the basement windows you have. Aside from limiting water and dirt access on your basement, a window well prevents snow to melt and soak on your basement, keeping away debris, leaves and animals, while protecting your basement windows. The most important function of a basement window is allowing the natural light to enter your basement so it doesn’t look dingy and creepy. Your basement will definitely look nice and comfortable, reducing the consumption of your electricity for lighting. Window wells can be a beautiful decorating medium by applying your creativity and imagination, adding fashionable appearance and style to your home, while gaining natural light and protection against drafts. A window well’s dimension and size is determined by your basement window’s size, and the depth they have into the ground. As a general rule, the pit’s length should always exceed the window’s half width, and must be perpendicular to the sides of the wall not exceeding one meter. The bottom part of a window well should be three to five degree angle below the window. There are various shapes of window wells including rectangular, square and semi-circular. There are many companies that manufacture window wells from various materials, and there are also ready-made windows available. It is a must to carefully measure the size of a basement window before purchasing a read-made window well. Galvanized steel window wells come in holes for a more convenient and easier installation with a longer life span, while corrugated steel window wells are more cost-effective. The advantages of having a metal window well include its durability, withstanding different weather conditions, retaining its shape in changes in temperature and prevents leaking. On the other hand, the advantages of having a plastic window well are it doesn’t rust nor dent, is weather proof, durable, with a good thermal insulation and can be easily bolted through its pre-drilled holes. With a better aesthetic value, choose timber window wells for a nice and neat looking design. Concrete brick or block window wells are permanently made and gives a pleasant look or finish, however since it need masonry work, it is costly and more time consuming.
Interesting Research on Options – What You Didn’t Know
Window wells should be equipped with a good drainage system allowing water diversion from your basement,and prevents appearance of dampness.The Essentials of Resources – Getting to Point A