May 8, 2024


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People You Want in Your Contacts Now

How to Prevent People Who Have Your Contact Information from ...

Nobody ever envisions themselves caught in an emergency situation, but if you are, having vital information can not only make things easier, it can be a matter of life and death. To give yourself a little peace of mind, sit down with your phone and make sure you have these numbers in your contacts right now.

Emergency Personnel

Everyone knows that you dial 9-1-1 in an emergency, but what about other urgent numbers? It’s always a good idea to have your local police department’s number in your contacts if you need them in a non-emergency situation such as a theft. Other important numbers you need include poison control, your physician, dentist and veterinarian.

Tow Truck

Another contact you don’t want to find yourself without is your local tow truck or lock out services Forest Lake MN. Having a breakdown can leave you alone and stranded and that’s not a safe situation to be in. Program that number into your contacts today.

Heating and Cooling Service

One spot you don’t want to find yourself in is without heat in the middle of winter. A broken down furnace can create more than discomfort when you think about frozen pipes and the extensive damage if they burst. A heating and cooling company number is a good one to have in case of any cooling problems, or issues with a hot water tank.

A Local Plumber

If you’ve ever had an emergency overflow, or a leaking toilet, you need help right away! Having the name and number of a good plumber is something you should have now, because when disaster strikes, you won’t have time to look for one.

Valuable Numbers

The truth is, nothing can prepare you for the unknown, but getting a few valuable numbers into your phone for what might happen is never a bad idea. The faster you’re able to act, the quicker you can solve a major problem.