Health Benefits of Yoga
If you have been practicing yoga for some time now, you are already familiar with some of its benefits. For example, you could be getting quality sleep, a physically relaxed body and fewer incidences of colds. But for a newbie, you may need to learn these terms in a simpler manner. When you clearly understand these benefits, it will push you to participate in yoga more passionately.
Boosts immunity
Yoga exercises bring about a change in the gene expression to improve immunity in the cells. A recent study conducted in Norway showed that you do not need to participate in these yoga exercises for a long time to experience the effects on your immunity. The effects start being felt right when you are seated on the mat during exercises. Soothing music and nature hiking were not as effective as yoga, according to the findings. Another study adds that yoga boosts immunity by increasing general health. As participants breathe better, move about better, and blood circulates better, other body organs begin to function better.
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Relieves Migraines
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Migraine causes are not well understood. Some practitioners, however, attribute the causes to a combination of physical misalignments and mental stressors. Hunching over computers and phones in a way that forces your shoulders up and head forward so that you have a lifted trapezius and a tight neck are some of the contributing behaviors. These muscle imbalances significantly trigger migraines and headaches. Several participants have reported less pain and reduced occurrences of migraines after just three months of yoga exercises. There are yoga postures specifically designed to address this problem.
Enhanced sleep
Lack of enough sleep exposes you to many health risks. Sleep disorder can be due to reasons such as stress, anxiety and heath disorders. Whatever the problem that is associated with your lack of sleep, yoga has proven to be effective for people struggling with quality of sleep. When participants with insomnia took part in a Harvard study, there was evidence of enhanced sleeping patterns after doing yoga everyday for eight weeks. Another study showed that cancer survivors that took two yoga sessions a week recorded enhanced sleep and reduced fatigue. Yoga helps people deal with stress and anxiety. The mental and respiratory exercises allow your mind to calm down and slow down.
Weight loss
Yoga helps you reduce weight by addressing the issue of unhealthy eating. Harmful weight gain is caused by cravings that we cannot control yet they pump our systems with excessive fats or carbohydrates. Yoga is associated with mindful dieting, alertness of physical and emotional judgment that are allied to feeding habits. Yoga increases breathing awareness, and regular sessions build up the mind-body bond. This awareness can help control emotions associated with certain cravings. Yoga breathing exercises are effective when it comes to slowing down the body to help you decide on whether to satisfy or ignore certain cravings.
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